6 mins read

How to choose a college major | The ultimate guide

If you’re wondering how to choose a college major, then don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Choosing a major can be tricky, especially if you have multiple passions or don’t know what kind of career you want. The reality is that many students change their majors. According to a 2020 study on college students […]

6 mins read

10 Great tips to help you navigate college as an introvert

10 Great tips to help you navigate college as an introvert. As an introvert, I had days I found college draining and exhausting because I was always surrounded by people and noise. If you’re an introvert, you might have experienced similar feelings.  For that reason, I decided to put together a few tips that I […]

7 mins read

5 Important reasons why you need to graduate college with a high GPA

5 Important reasons why you need to graduate college with a high GPA. Why is your college GPA important? Why do you need to graduate college with a high GPA? It’s a million-dollar question, isn’t it? Not really, but it’s important all the same. In this blog post, we look at 5 crucial reasons why. […]

12 mins read

15+ Important things I wish I knew as a college freshman

Important things I wish I knew as a college freshman. Some students can seamlessly join college, while others are not. Some students find it easy, while some find it hard.  As someone who has just finished campus, I can say that my college freshman year was a bit of both. Some things were relatively easy […]

7 mins read

8 Helpful tips for college students studying at home

Behold, 8 helpful tips for college students studying at home. Studying at home as a college student can be such a pain. Take it from someone who’s a veteran at this.  I went through college living at home the whole time, so this is coming from someone with more experience in this than I would […]

7 mins read

How to ace college economics | 5 Easy Tips

Wondering how to ace college economics? Don’t worry. You’re not the only one. Raise your hand if you find economics intimidating [raises both hands]. You aren’t the only one. College economics can be a real GPA bully. Both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics can prove to be a little or a lot difficult, depending on the college […]