6 mins read

10 Science-based benefits of meditation for college students

There are numerous benefits to meditation but today let’s focus on the benefits of meditation for college students. I have compiled all the benefits that I experienced once I added meditation to my daily regimen. I should warn you though, that meditation is not a Band-Aid. If you want to enjoy the benefits you need […]

7 mins read

10 Easy ways to take care of your mental health during a stressful semester

10 Easy ways to take care of your mental health during a stressful semester. As can be expected, some semesters are more stressful than others. There are semesters where all it takes is an all-nighter and all is right in the world but sometimes even that’s not enough. You feel like you are being pulled […]

4 mins read

5 Simple steps to help you recover from college burnout

During orientation week one of the things the counselors talked about was burnout. I was like what’s there to be burnt out about? What is burnout? In my sophomore & junior year, constantly burned out and emotionally unstable for the majority of the semester. According to helpguide.org burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and […]

4 mins read

5 Simple ways to make yourself study when you don’t feel like it

Wow, the story of my life. Even though I really enjoyed reviewing material once I got into it, getting myself to initiate the task took all but a miracle. If you can relate then don’t worry I am here to help. Although mediocre students don’t care,  type-A students often condemn themselves for not wanting to […]

9 mins read

12 Important services provided by the college career office

You might have heard that your university has a career office and the first logical question would be really what do they do? Why would a college campus have a career office? What is its purpose? In this blog post, your question will be answered. I shall give a disclaimer, though, all college career offices […]

4 mins read

5 Important services provided by academic advisers

Important services provided by college academic advisers. While the role of a college career office might be a little unclear, I feel like the roles of academic advisers are a little more obvious, but to be sure, we shall look at 5 key roles played by your college academic advisers. As I said in my […]