6 mins read

10 Science-based benefits of meditation for college students

There are numerous benefits to meditation but today let’s focus on the benefits of meditation for college students. I have compiled all the benefits that I experienced once I added meditation to my daily regimen. I should warn you though, that meditation is not a Band-Aid. If you want to enjoy the benefits you need […]

7 mins read

10 Easy ways to take care of your mental health during a stressful semester

10 Easy ways to take care of your mental health during a stressful semester. As can be expected, some semesters are more stressful than others. There are semesters where all it takes is an all-nighter and all is right in the world but sometimes even that’s not enough. You feel like you are being pulled […]

4 mins read

5 Simple steps to help you recover from college burnout

During orientation week one of the things the counselors talked about was burnout. I was like what’s there to be burnt out about? What is burnout? In my sophomore & junior year, constantly burned out and emotionally unstable for the majority of the semester. According to helpguide.org burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and […]

4 mins read

5 Simple ways to make yourself study when you don’t feel like it

Wow, the story of my life. Even though I really enjoyed reviewing material once I got into it, getting myself to initiate the task took all but a miracle. If you can relate then don’t worry I am here to help. Although mediocre students don’t care,  type-A students often condemn themselves for not wanting to […]

4 mins read

5 Simple strategies to help you study effectively for your college exams

Having come to the end of my undergrad career, I have to say that I observed the problem across the board. People are frustrated at their grades time and time again, and the problem I found was in their study habits. Yap that’s it. If you have made it into college, it’s because you are […]

9 mins read

12 Important services provided by the college career office

You might have heard that your university has a career office and the first logical question would be really what do they do? Why would a college campus have a career office? What is its purpose? In this blog post, your question will be answered. I shall give a disclaimer, though, all college career offices […]

4 mins read

5 Important services provided by academic advisers

Important services provided by college academic advisers. While the role of a college career office might be a little unclear, I feel like the roles of academic advisers are a little more obvious, but to be sure, we shall look at 5 key roles played by your college academic advisers. As I said in my […]

8 mins read

5 Important types of goals for college students

Important types of goals for college students. From my experience being an undergrad, there are two ways to go through college. You could attend your classes, write your exams and assignments and graduate after four years or… you could have a plan and goals and graduate with so much more. I discovered this a little […]