How to balance academics and social life in college
5 mins read

How to balance academics and social life in college

Wondering how to balance your academics and social life in college? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. While balance comes naturally to some students, some of us struggle with it more than we would care to admit.

Before we get into the five simple things you can do to balance your academics with your social life in college, I should make a quick disclaimer.

You can have everything. But not all at once. I’ll say that again for the people in the back. You can have everything, a 4.0 GPA, a great social life and balance, and everything but not all at once. Why? Because that is a recipe for burnout.

Check out this blog on recovering from burnout in college

How to balance academics and social life in college | 5 simple tips that any college student can apply

Too much enjoyment can be catastrophic. Some consequences of a lack of balance between academics and social life in college are low grades, burnout, lack of self-esteem, and even failing out of the program. 

And not to mention the consequences if you happen to be on a scholarship. 

This just goes to show that being able to balance academics and enjoyment is essential and a life skill even. Let’s look at five simple tips that you can apply today for a better and more successful college experience.

1. Patience with yourself

The first tip to help you balance academics and social life in college is to be patient with yourself. Maturity will play a huge role in all this. Sometimes college students fail; out of school because they are too young to manage it all. 

And guess what, that’s okay. You can always go back to college when you’re ready.

The key is to be patient with yourself. If you feel like you’re not ready to figure it out, you can always bow out while you grow and mature, then resume when you’re ready. 

It’s okay to focus too much on academics, however, it’s not okay to focus too much on enjoyment. Remember that. 

2. Prioritize academics 

The second tip to help you balance academics and social life in college is to simply put your academics first. 

While social life is beneficial, you didn’t go to college to make friends. You went primarily to get a college degree. It’s essential that you remember and applies it to every decision you make.

Balance won’t be so hard when it’s hardwired that your academics come first. Saying no will become so much easier when getting a good education is always top of mind.

Check out this blog on how to get a 4.0 GPA

Check out this blog on quickly boosting your GPA

3. Make like-minded friends

The third tip to help you balance academics and social life in college is to make like-minded friends. 

Who was it who said, “show me your friends, and I’ll tell you your character?” they were definitely on to something. 

Your circle of friends will have a huge impact on whether you’re able to balance your academics with your social life. That being said, you have to make the right friends. Friends with similar core values to yours. Otherwise, it’ll be over before it even starts.

Check out this blog on how to make friends in college

4. Don’t go out every weekend

The fourth tip to help you balance academics and social life in college is to have a rule of thumb of not turning up every weekend.

Try not to be a vending machine of availability. Make yourself scarce, focus on your studies, and be a star student. Don’t be the person who is always available to tag along while your friends are all thriving academically. 

This comes down to personal ambition but as a rule of thumb. Try and have a 50/50 ratio or 80/20. In which case, 80% of the time is spent studying and 20% can be spent on socializing. 

5. Stay away from hard drugs

The fifth tip to help you balance academics and social life in college is to simply stay away from hard drugs. 

Make it a personal rule to stay away from any drug that will destroy your life. That’s too vague, I’ll be more specific. Any drug that creates a co-dependency is bad for you. 

Any drug that has to be sniffed or injected into your body is a big NO! 

Any drug that will make you incapable of thinking for yourself is also a big no. Any drugs that fall into those categories will ruin your life and any chance you have at succeeding in college and graduating on time. 

Balance is easier for some college students than for others. And that’s okay. You don’t have to be good at everything. Being perfect is not a life requirement. Hopefully, these five simple tips help you balance academics and social life in college.

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