3 mins read

Internship documents for USIU students

Internship Documents For USIU Students. As you begin your internship process you will quickly find out that you need four important documents and if you are confused as to what those documents might be I shall link the blog post I wrote on the internship process for USIU students here. There are four main documents […]

2 mins read

The internship process for USIU students

So there I was in Spring of 2020 wondering okay great so once this semester is done it’ll be me looking for internship opportunities, where do I start? Panic! Panic! If you have been asking “what is the internship process for USIU students?” then here is your answer: Find a place to intern Get the […]

3 mins read

Where to find internship opportunities as a USIU student

Where To Find Internship Opportunities As A USIU Student. As it neared time for me to choose a place to intern I couldn’t help but panic a little because I simply didn’t know where to start looking but I figured it out and hopefully with this post, you won’t feel as overwhelmed. Here are places […]