11 mins read

15 Great tips for commuter college students

Being a commuter college student can be understandably stressful, which is why I have compiled 15  tips that helped me successfully navigate my commuter college days.  I’m yet to meet someone who is excited about having to commute because very few people enjoy the experience and what with being college students it just makes commuting […]

12 mins read

15+ Essential time management tips for successful college students

Time management is tricky for everyone, especially college students. That is why I have decided to compile a few of my favorite time management tips that helped me navigate college with ease and that I still use now in my work.  These tips aren’t in any particular order, so be sure to read all of […]

4 mins read

How to overcome burnout in college

According to WHO, burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job or in our case, school, and or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job. Of course, […]

4 mins read

How to decide whether to commute or move into college dorms

This is a conversation I had with a lot of my acquaintances when I was a freshman in college. A lot of students eventually have to decide. I mean if your college is in another state then, of course, moving closer to campus is a no-brainer however what if it’s in the same state, but […]

2 mins read

Why college is not for everyone

Let’s examine why college is not for everyone with 6 valid reasons. While I love college and I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to get a college education, I must admit that college is not for everyone. It’s a huge time commitment. It’s tasking and will stretch you as an individual. It’s also very […]

4 mins read

How to stay attentive during your college classes

Stay attentive during your college classes with these 5 tried and tested tips that helped me through my undergrad. Admittedly, some classes can be more engaging than others. That’s just how it is. Not all classes will be your favorite. Some will make that cut, while others will fall well below the mark. The important […]

8 mins read

10 Essential college classroom etiquette to observe

So many times in college I remember cussing someone out in my mind because they simply lacked College classroom etiquette. You would think that one would have learned classroom etiquette what with being in school their whole life until they got to campus, but that simply wasn’t the case. A lot of the people who […]