10 important things to do at the end of every month for success in 2022
6 mins read

10 important things to do at the end of every month for success in 2022

Success takes constant deliberate effort.

Are you on the path to a more successful and deliberate life? Here are 10 important things to do at the end of every month to set you up for success!

Important things to do at the end of every month

Shared below are 10 important things to do at the end of every month to first, help you neatly round up your past month. Second, to help you start your new month fresh and organized.

1. Reflect

Self-reflection is the first and most important thing to do at the end of every month. 

Self-reflection will highlight the most important areas in your life, the areas you need to pay attention to.

Self-reflecting on the areas that you interact with on a daily basis like your job, your relationships ad your finances is the first and most important thing to do at the end of every month.

The mentioned areas will be discussed in the points to follow.

2. Review your goals

The second important thing to do at the end of every month is to review your goals.

These will include the goals you had set for that month and the yearly goals that cut across all months. Take a good look at what you’ve been able to accomplish and what was left pending.

3. Make a list of unfinished work

The third important thing to do at the end of every month is to write a list of all the things you didn’t get to complete during the month.

If you didn’t get to accomplish all your goals for the month, don’t worry. Simply make a list of all the things you couldn’t get done. 

Once you’ve written them all down, find out why you didn’t get them done. Were you stressed out? Were you lacking motivation? Were you overwhelmed with work? 

Know why you couldn’t complete the tasks and figure out a way to work on them. 

4. Set new goals

The fourth important thing to do at the end of every month is to set new goals.

It’s another month, what do you want to get done in the new month? What are the other goals you are hoping to accomplish? Set new goals and come up with action plans for them. 

5. Reward yourself

Get something you want and need. 

I believe in setting reward systems for a job well done, even if it’s for the smallest thing. Buy that dress, try out that new restaurant, take a vacation somewhere, go out with friends, take a break, buy that thing that you’ve been saying you will buy. 

Reward yourself with your heart’s desires, you deserve it!

6. Practice gratitude

The sixth important thing to do at the end of every month is to take time to practice gratitude. If you’re new to gratitude click the highlighted text.

Take the time to be grateful for the opportunity to see the end of the month and the start of another. Consider the fact that people lost their lives before the month ended but you are still alive. 

One thing I’m always grateful for is the gift of life, no matter what I’m going through I believe that as long as there is life, there is hope. So be thankful for life, be thankful for the opportunities you got in the month. 

7. Review all important areas of your life

Next, take a pen and paper and write down all the areas in your life that you consider to be the MOST important.

Rate them one by one. It could be over ten or over a hundred depending on your choice but be honest with yourself for the answers. 

Here are a few questions to help you get started. What’s your spiritual life like? How would you rate your relationship with your partner? family or friends? How would you rate your finances? Your health? Your academics? 

Be completely honest with yourself and don’t be ashamed if the score is not good.  The important thing is to highlight areas that need work which is something you can add to your to-do list for the next month.

8. Reflect on your spending

The eighth important thing to do at the end of every month is of course to review your finances.

Hold yourself accountable. Know how you spend your money. You want to reflect on your spending to see if you have the right spending habits. 

Reflecting on your spending will help you save more when you know the unnecessary things you spend your money on. Additionally, review your subscriptions. 

Raise your hand if you have gotten a subscription and then long forgotten about it. Reviewing your spending at the end of every month will ensure you never have a subscription that you’re not benefiting from sinking your hard-earned money.

9. Reset your mind

The end of a month is a great time to get rid of thoughts that might be holding you back from being your best self.

A simple yet powerful way to eliminate those limiting thoughts is doing a brain dump and writing down all the things you’ve been worrying about in the past weeks.

Writing them down helps you get those thoughts out of your mind, making it easier for you to start your new month feeling fresh and ready for success!


That concludes this short blog post. 

I hope this helps you round up your month nicely from now on. These simple yet important things to do at the end of every month to set yourself up for success.


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