4 mins read

What to do when your college professor is a jerk

We join college with hopeful dreams. We imagine that our days will be filled with challenging new concepts and intellectual banter with our fellow academics and that all the professors are brilliant and mature and on and on and on, right? Or was that just me? Either way, no one expects to have their professor […]

12 mins read

15+ Important things I wish I knew as a college freshman

Important things I wish I knew as a college freshman. Some students can seamlessly join college, while others are not. Some students find it easy, while some find it hard.  As someone who has just finished campus, I can say that my college freshman year was a bit of both. Some things were relatively easy […]

7 mins read

8 Helpful tips for college students studying at home

Behold, 8 helpful tips for college students studying at home. Studying at home as a college student can be such a pain. Take it from someone who’s a veteran at this.  I went through college living at home the whole time, so this is coming from someone with more experience in this than I would […]

11 mins read

15 Great tips for commuter college students

Being a commuter college student can be understandably stressful, which is why I have compiled 15  tips that helped me successfully navigate my commuter college days.  I’m yet to meet someone who is excited about having to commute because very few people enjoy the experience and what with being college students it just makes commuting […]

12 mins read

15+ Essential time management tips for successful college students

Time management is tricky for everyone, especially college students. That is why I have decided to compile a few of my favorite time management tips that helped me navigate college with ease and that I still use now in my work.  These tips aren’t in any particular order, so be sure to read all of […]