5 Super helpful study tips for commuter college students
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5 Super helpful study tips for commuter college students

Your GPA doesn’t have to suffer simply because you’re a commuter college student. Here are 5 helpful study tips for commuter college students

As a commuter college student, I was so worried about my GPA. Commuting is exhausting, which is why I had to come up with tactics to ensure that I was still studying enough to keep my GPA high.

5 Super helpful study tips for commuter college students

1. Get enough sleep

The first and most helpful tip for commuter college students is to get enough sleep. I have seen so many people try to run on steam, and it always fails. 

As a commuter student who is trying to keep their GPA high, you need to rest your mind. One f the simplest ways to do that is to simply get enough sleep. 

Have a bedtime routine. Go to bed at around the same time and wake up at around the same time daily to train your body and your mind. 

2. Don’t spread yourself too thin

The second tip is to make sure you don’t spread yourself too thin. I share this in every post, as a college student, your classes are the most important things on your schedule. 

Scheduling out time to attend your classes, attend class group meetings and study sessions at the library are non-negotiable.

It is all other activities that you need to cut back on. It’s okay to miss some events during the weekend. Take the weekends off to catch up on your studies and rest from the exhaustion of the week.

3. Study during your commute

The third study tip for commuter college students is to study during their commute. I have written all about how to be productive on your commute. 

It can be challenging trying to interact with a college course text on the commute, so I should clarify that is not what I mean. I mean to review the study notes that you took down during your study session.

4. Make a schedule and stick to it

Of all the apps I have tried to utilize to stay organized, Google Calendar remains the rigging champ. I use it in conjunction with Google Keep, and together they are the super pack that got me through my undergrad.

It’s not enough to put things on your calendar, It only works if you follow them as closely as possible. This way you know exactly how long your commutes are as well as how much time you have left for studying.

5. Learn how to prioritize

The fourth study tip for commuter college students is to learn how to prioritize. So many things pop up all the time. It’s challenging saying no to social events and going out every Friday.

However, as a commuter college student who is determined to graduate with a high GPA, you must learn how to prioritize your time, your energy, and everything.


As I’ve shared earlier in this blog post, is that being a commuter college student doesn’t have to compromise your GPA.

The tips study tips for commuter college students I have shared here are tried and tested by me, so I’m confident they will help you out.

If you are a commuter college student, here are more resources to help you out.

15 Great tips for commuter college students

10 Awesome things to do to make your college commute productive

Advantages of taking public transport as a commuter college student

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