10 Awesome things to do to make your college commute productive
10 Awesome things to do to make your college commute productive. Commuting to college or to work can be such a pain, but it can also be an opportunity for you to be productive. It can be an opportunity for you to do things you don’t have time to do when you get to your destination.
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Things to do to make your college commute productive
1. Get organized
You can use your college commute time to get organized. Use that time to think about the activities you have lined up for the day and organize them in your organization app. Be it Google Calendar, Google Keep, Microsoft To-Do List, or some other To-do List App.
2. Review your study notes
You can also use your commute time to review your study notes. I have already shared a blog post on how to write an effective study guide. You can use your college commute time to review those notes.
3. Review your lesson(s)
On your college commute home, you can use that time to review notes you took from the classes/lessons that day. This is a great way to help cement concepts after they have just been taught.
If you aren’t big on taking notes during your classes, you can check out my blog on how to stay attentive during your college classes, and see if that changes your mind.
4. Read a book
It can be difficult to make time to read for leisure or personal development when you have to also study for your courses. You can therefore use your college commute time to read for leisure or personal development.
4. 1. Free Book Apps
5. Listen to an audiobook
You could also use your commute time to listen to audiobooks. Audiobooks make great traveling companions. You can use your college commute time to catch up with all your favorite self-improvement authors.
5.1. Free Audiobook Apps
6. Write a blog
This is one I can relate to quite deeply because most days I would use commute time to write my blog. I found that when I got home I was too tired, and I had other pressing matters, so I decided to make use of my commute time to make sure my blog wasn’t neglected.
7. Edit your posts
I would also use my college commute time to edit drafts I had written. What was great about this was that I would edit with no distractions at all. I would pay for some acoustic background music and just edit my blogs.
8. Review your assignments
You could also review your assignments during your commute. It doesn’t hurt to look at your assignment and edit it one more time before handing it in. I don’t know where I heard that writing is rewriting.
The more you review your assignment, the closer you get to full marks. If you are looking to be a 4.0 GPA student, you can also check out my blog post on how I did that myself. Click the highlighted text to read it.
9. Catch up with friends
Well, this isn’t the most productive thing you could do during your college commute, but it is still important. It is important to keep up with how your support system is doing.
You can use your college commute time to catch up with a friend, either physically or virtually.
10. Learn something new
This is one of the best things you could do on your college commute. You could use this time to learn something new.
There are tons of educational tutorials on YouTube, Udemy, Khan Academy, SkillShare, and many other places.
Your college commute doesn’t have to be something you dread. It is not the enemy. Attitude and perspective are everything in life. It will always be what you make of it.
I chose to look at the best I could get from my commuter time, and I recommend you do the same. Your college commute will become something you look forward to because you know that it is always be something that is building a better future.