
5 Tips for working from home with a family

Working from home with a family can be challenging at least and impossible at worst. If the thought of working from home with your family is stressing you out, here are a few tips to help you make it as painless as possible. 

Tips for working from home with a family | 5 tips to help you get started working remotely from home 

While this would typically be addressed to parents who have children, this is mostly for new employees who are fresh out of college and still living at home for financial reasons.

If you have kids, check out this blog

1. Set clear boundaries

The first tip for working from home with a family is to set up clear boundaries. 

When I was working from home with a full house, I realized that it doesn’t register with other people in the house that although I might have been in the house, I was actually at work. 

Setting clear boundaries like “don’t talk to me while I’m seated at my desk”, getting an “in a meeting” plaque and a family chat to post important texts like, “y’all are being too loud” helped.

It also helps to repeat the same things over and over until they are clear to all the family members. 

PS: I’m still working from home, so it all worked out :D.

2. Create a designated work zone

The second tip for working from home with a family is to create a designated work zone. I have seen countless YouTube videos of creators who also have remote day jobs working from their beds, from their couches and I can tell you from experience that is not sustainable. It’s also not good for productivity.

Creating a designated work zone is good for your productivity and for your mental health.  

3. Set up your office

The third tip for working from home with a family is to set up your office. Setting up your office will help the other members of your family realize that while you’re seated at your desk, you’re actually in the office and that they should give you peace and space to do your job.

In addition to keeping your family away, setting up your office with a proper desk and seat will help keep you comfortable so that you can focus on the tasks of the day. 

4. Have a routine

The fourth tip for working from home with a family is to have a routine for weekdays. Adhering to a daily routine will help program your family as well. They will know that you take your shower to get ready for the day at a certain time and that you clock off work at a certain time.

Creating a routine will be great for you and for your family, and most of all for your working-from-home experience.

5. Get a noise-canceling app

The fifth tip for working from home with a family is to get a noise-canceling app got your meetings. This has been such a game-changer for me!!! I can’t emphasize this enough. 

I’ve been using Krisp, but some other great alternatives include NoiseGator, SoliCall Pro, PinPoint by Bose Labs, and Noise Blocker by Closed Loop Labs. 

With these tips for working from home with a family, working from home won’t be a nightmare anymore. And if there was something I left out, share it with me in the comment section below.  

Lavender Sanna

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