Growth & Mindset

How to have a successful month | 10 Essential things to do at the start of every month 

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably wondering how to have a successful month. How to get your life more organized, so you can increase your productivity and achieve success. You clicked on the right blog.

How to have a successful month by doing 10 simple things

Success is within reach if you apply these 10 simple yet easy-to-apply tips, tricks, or hacks.

1. Plan out your month

The first thing to do to have a successful month is to plan it out. 

At the end of the previous month, pull out your notebook and write down everything you would like to achieve in the coming month,

This can be anything from writing down when all your bills are due to appointments to learning goals and more.

Write it all down and schedule everything out so that nothing falls through the cracks. Done that? You’re off to a great start already!

2. Get your space organized

The second thing you can do to have a successful month is to clean out your space. We stan a clean and well-organized space. 

Put your hair up and get that vacuum out. Get your space all clean, sparkly, and organized. 

A clean space gives us room to think, plan and ultimately achieve success.

3. Allocate time for daily self-reflection

The third thing you need to do to achieve a successful month is to take time to reflect. Self-reflection is essential to succeed in pretty much anything. 

I have written an entire blog dedicated to self-reflection, what it is, Why it’s important and why you should do it and do it often.

4. Allocate time for planning and scheduling

The fourth thing you can do to have a successful month is to allocate time at the start of each week for planning and time before each new day to plan and schedule your time. 

Planning is basically 80% in the Pareto principle. If you take the time to plan out your days and weeks, then half the battle will have been won.

5. Set any recurring reminders

The fifth thing you can do to have a successful month ahead is to set reminders for everything. As Ali Abdaal quoted from a book that I can’t just now recall; our brains are for having ideas, not storing them. 

Google calendar is your organizing and scheduling companion, and it’s completely FREE. Schedule and set reminders for everything!!!

Allow your mind to be free to dream and be creative.

6. Create a monthly budget

Still with me? Good :).

The sixth thing you can do to have a successful month is to create a monthly budget. 

I think most of us can agree that budgets get a bad rep, but can all agree that budgets are essential in helping us live within our means. 

Create a monthly budget before the new month rolls out so that you’re able to comfortably meet all your monthly obligations.

7. Create time for learning

The seventh thing you can do to have a successful month is to create time to learn something new every month. 

Learning is a simple way to keep yourself inspired and keep your mind young. Who doesn’t want that?

The thought of creating time to learn can be a little intimidating, so instead, you can use it to work on a hobby that you enjoy. Just as long as you’re learning new things about your hobby of choice.

8. Schedule self-care time/days

Almost done 🙂

The eighth thing you can do to have a successful month is to schedule time to pamper yourself. 

You work hard and deserve some rest, relaxation, and princess treatment. 

It doesn’t have to be an expensive spa appointment. It can simply be a long hot bath at the end of the week, with some sweet red wine, some smooth R&B, and your favorite bath bomb.

9. Mind reset

The ninth thing you can do to have a successful month is to work on your mindset. Granted that this is more of a long-term goal, I’m also working on mine daily. 

However, that being said, it should be a goal you renew each month to examine how much progress you’ve made in cultivating a positive, winning mindset.

10. Review your goals

If you’ve made it to the tenth thing you can do to have a successful month, then you are the real MVP!!!

The tenth thing you can do to have a successful month is to review your goals from the previous month.

Reviewing anything is scary, however, it is an important part of progress. We can’t make progress without it.

Review the goals from the previous month and see how well, or poorly, you did. This will also reveal which goals need to be carried into the new month. 

See? Success is within reach.

Hopefully, all your questions have been answered on how to have a successful month. With these 10 actionable tips, you’ll have a more successful month than ever. I wish you luck!

Lavender Sanna

Published by
Lavender Sanna

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